
Quick start usage

import netlsd
import networkx as nx

g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(100, 0.01) # create a random graph with 100 nodes
descriptor = netlsd.heat(g) # compute NetLSD signature

That’s it! Then, signatures of two graphs can be compared easily:

.. code-block:: python

import netlsd

distance =, sig2) # compare the signatures using l2 distance

or, equivalently:

.. code-block:: python

import numpy as np

distance = np.linalg.norm(sig1 - sig2) # compare the signatures using l2 distance in numpy

Advanced usage

Here we outline different ways to get more out of NetLSD.

Try the wave kernel

In the paper, we introduce two kernels: heat and wave. You can simply replace netlsd.heat with netlsd.wave to switch to wave kernel. Wave kernel is known to preserve symmetries and structures as it acts as a band-pass filter on the spectrum.

Supply adjacency matrix directly

You do not need to use python’s graph libraries to interface with NetLSD. One option is to use any type of a sparse matrix from scipy:

import netlsd
import scipy.sparse as sps

A = sps.random(1000, 1000) # create a random adjacency matrix
A = A + A.T # make sure it is undirected
descriptor = netlsd.heat(A) # compute NetLSD signature

In case you have already constructed a Laplacian, just pass it to the function.

Scale things up with custom eigensolvers

If you want to use a different eigensolver routine, such as SLEPc, you can directly supply eigenvalues to NetLSD:

import netlsd
import fancy_eigensolver

eigenvalues = fancy_eigensolver(graph)
descriptor = netlsd.heat(eigenvalues) # compute NetLSD signature